Hippo Fart Art

In case you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t seen this viral youtube video of a hippo fart, here it is:

Arielle was so fascinated by this video that she’s been starting conversations with people like this:

“Have you seen the hippo fart?”

She genuinely wants to know if you saw the video and it sounds very sweet coming from her little voice.

Earlier, we were just being lazy and enjoying our Sunday afternoon when Arielle showed us her drawing:

Hippo Fart Drawing, Children's Art

“That’s the river [on the bottom] and that’s the hippo and his fart!”

Jeffrey and I were pretty impressed with her rendition of the hippo fart! Well done, Arielle!



  1. rofl!!! apparently I’ve been living under a rock because I haven’t seen that!! hilarious!!

    Stopping in from the SITS Sharefest!
    The 5th Level of Motherhood

  2. Saw the title on SITS and just HAD to come see what this was about. Holy cow! LMBO. There’s nothing like some good potty humor to start off your Saturday morning. lol

  3. Couldn’t resist clicking on your link on SITS…and you didn’t disappoint. Hahahahaha!!!! I needed a good laugh today. Thanks for that.

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